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  该老师注册编号为: TC7015】   
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400-6766-101 (为保护教员隐私,具体面谈时会向您提供全名及证件)
 本人毕业于湖南涉外经济学院商务英语专业,主修外贸函电,商务英语,英语口语,英语写作,英语口译,英语笔译等课程。且在初中,高中,大学期间校内举办有关英语方面的竞赛都能获一,二,三等奖。 The main courses are International Economics and Trade, Business Correspondence, Britan and American Literature, Business English, Marketing, Wirtten English, Spoken English, English translation, Listenning English and etc.. Request students have good listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation and other aspects of well-trained to master the English language and literature, politics, economics, management, social and cultural aspects of the basic theory and basic knowledge. Master the foundation of English language and a more systematic international business management theoretical knowledge. During my school time, i always participated in the activities actively which organized by school, such as the English corner. My learning objectives are very clearly, although i was not a very hard-working student, i could keep a good marks in every examination. Because i know "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy." . I chose to be Sanitation Monitor when i was freshman, and because i worked well, our head techer recommend me to join the Party, so i became a Party activists when i was Sophomore. Also i got the second award in the words competition which organized by our school. I like to remenber words and to excerpt the interesting sentences in my notebook. I love my major, and i love English very much! 2008年2月我于校办招聘会中被湖南省张家界市武陵源区小新星英语学校聘用并就职。两年教学时间,我通过努力得到了同仁及校长的绝对认可与极力赞扬,并荣获以下证书: 2008年12月湖南省张家界市武陵源区小新星英语学校教师论文竞赛——第三名 2008年12月湖南省张家界市武陵源小新星英语学校首届“移动杯”英语明星大赛 —— 幼儿组最佳指导奖 2009年12月湖南省张家界市武陵源小新星英语学校教学质量评比 ——第二名 2009年12月湖南省张家界市武陵源小新星英语学校教师论文竞赛 —— 第二名 2009年12月湖南省张家界市武陵源小新星英语学校被评为——“明星教师" 本人性格活泼开朗,责任心非常强,教学方法独特新颖,绝对能走进您孩子的内心世界,提高孩子对学习的态度与兴趣,从而提高孩子学习成绩,让孩子学的轻松,玩的放心。
 1)负责对幼少儿的英语及其首脑速算的教学。教学方式新颖独特,抓住孩子五好心里(好玩、好动、好胜、好模仿、好表扬),课堂中设置各种各样的游戏,让孩子动起来。采用趣味性强的游戏来满足孩子们的好奇心;采用竞争性强的游戏来满足孩子好玩的心里;而对于性格比较内向,基础较差的孩子多给予鼓励和表扬,以增强他们的成功感和自信心。及时创新,秉持寓教于乐,让孩子学得轻松,玩的放松的宗旨。 2)定期对家长进行教学反馈,告知其孩子在校的学习情况及需要注意的事项。 3)定期电话教学。 4)制作相关教具 5)布置教室,及负责各节日所需要的道具制作。 6)每学期结束后进行汇报演出,将孩子们所掌握的知识,歌曲,童谣及童话剧在其家长面前展示。 工作期间能严格要求自己,及时向前辈请教疑难问题并事后探索研究; 能与孩子打成一片,走进其内心世界,并及时与家长交谈,从而对症下药,解决问题,以便更好的传教; 能做到一视同仁并加倍关怀后进生; 动手能力强——为学校制作了许多教具; 能及时创新——如课堂游戏及公开课形式; Mainly responsible for the Rapid Calculation Course and English of young children, age between 3-14 year old. Innovative and unique teaching methods, can seize children's mood, use variety of games to attract students' attention. Use interesting games to satisfy the curiosity of children; competitive games to meet their playful heart; but pay more attehntion to the introvert stutends, and give them more encouragement and praise to enhance their self-confidence. Regularly feedback the children's learning situation to their parents; Regularly teaching by telephone; Make related teaching tools; Charge the layout of the classroom, and responsible for the tools making for festivals. Hold the Performance Report Show after the end of each semester, mainly show the knowledge, songs, nursery rhymes and fairy tale to their parents. During my work time, I was very good at comunicating with my sdudents and their parents ,I love them very much and they love me too. I was strictly demand my students on their study. Can ask a favor from the experienced teachers and find the solution timely when i met any difficult problems. Treated every student equally. Pay extra attention and care to the fairness and less advanced students; Did my best to into their inner world, and talked with their parents regularly and feedback them their children's study timely for better teaching. I have good hand making ability,- Produced a number of teaching aids for schools; Timely innovation - such as classroom games and open class form;
订单号 年级科目 状态
教员编号 可教授课目 所在高校 资历
T094930 英语 华东理工大学附属中学 专业教师
T094964 英语 上海是重点中学 专业教师
T094956 英语 北方高中 专业教师
T094966 英语 上海市建平实验学校 专业教师
T094971 英语 进才